About The Delk ArtisT

Hey there! I'm Gail Delk, a creative soul with a degree in art education and a minor in painting. I've got the skills and knowledge to bring stunning fantastical cinematic photos to life.

When it comes to my photography niche, I specialize in capturing the magic of cosplay, fashion, and fantasy. I love immersing myself in these imaginative worlds and using my camera to tell captivating stories. Whether it's a fierce warrior ready for battle or a whimsical fairy lost in a mystical forest, I strive to create photos that transport viewers to another realm.

You'll often find me behind the lens at conventions, where I get to combine my passion for photography with my love for all things geeky. There's something truly magical about capturing the energy and excitement of these events, and I'm always on the lookout for those epic moments that truly embody the spirit of cosplay.

My photography style is all about embracing the informal and spontaneous. I want my subjects to feel comfortable and free to express themselves, allowing their true personalities to shine through. This approach not only results in more authentic and captivating photos but also creates a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

So, whether you're a cosplayer wanting to bring your character to life or a fashion enthusiast looking to add a touch of fantasy to your portfolio, I'm here to help you create stunning visuals that will leave you in awe. Let's embark on an imaginative adventure together and capture some truly extraordinary moments!

Contact Me.


Located in Cleveland, Ohio